Bangkok to Angkor Wat Best Travel Routes

I’ve seen this question come up quite a bit, so I figured I would write a quick post about the best ways to travel from Bangkok to Angkor Wat. Angkor Wat is near Siem Reap, Cambodia which is one of the largest cities in Cambodia. For this reason, there are a couple of well traveled routes.

Fly from Bangkok to Angkor Wat (Siem Reap)

Siem Reap has an international airport making it really easy to fly straight from Bangkok. It’s usually a cheap flight, and the flight time is short. It only takes about one hour in the air.

Therefore, a Bangkok to Angkor Wat flight is an affordable and convenient travel route. Plus, customs at the airport can be faster as you don’t have to wait for everyone on your bus, if you take the land route.

Search for cheap flights with Skyscanner here.

Travel by land

Bangkok to Angkor Wat Bus Directly to Siem Reap

You can take one of two buses that leave daily from Bangkok’s Mo Chit bus station. It takes about 3.5 hours to get to the Cambodian border, where you’ll have to wait to go through customs. This can sometimes take hours if anyone on your bus has issues, or there are lines. From the border to Siem Reap, it takes another 3.5 hours of driving.

The Bangkok to Angkor Wat bus is the cheapest option. It is a long travel day, but will help you stay within a budget if you’re traveling long-term.

Bangkok to Angkor Wat Train

bangkok to angkor wat train

You can take a train from Bangkok to the Cambodian border. From there you will have to book a bus, taxi, or mini-bus to travel the rest of the way to Siem Reap. The train takes around 6 hours (sometimes longer) to get to the border. Plus, you’ll have to plan for time at customs and a few hours on a bus or taxi to Siem Reap.

The train is a bit of a hassle compared to just booking a direct bus, plus the bus is cheaper.


Bangkok to Angkor Wat flight

Keep it simple, fly. All of these routes are common and will get you from Bangkok to Angkor Wat, but you should be able to find a cheap flight. Not only is it cheap, it saves a lot of time if you’re on a shorter overall trip. That said, if you have lots of time and prefer to see a lot of the country, the land route works and is well traveled.

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